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Mom Blogs and Mom Groups in the Seattle Area

By May 2, 2019July 24th, 2024Community
mom on computer with baby on lap

We see a lot of moms at our practice, either when they bring their kids in for treatment or when they visit us for their own smile. As a Mill Creek, Monroe and Bothell orthodontist, a husband and a father myself, I have a tremendous amount of respect for moms and I know that having support and a network of fellow parents is incredibly important. That’s why I’m sharing some of the best mom blogs, mom meetups and mom groups in the Seattle area.

Seattle Mom Blogs

Hobo Mama – This natural parenting blog is popular among Seattle area moms. Lauren Wayne, the mom who runs the blog, writes about parenting from a natural, attachment-centered perspective. Her posts cover everything from ideas for kids’ activities to green living.

Thrifty NW Mom – The moms behind this Seattle mom blog are based in the greater Seattle/Tacoma area. They offer helpful tips, tricks and information on how to save money around the Pacific Northwest. You’ll find recipes, DIY ideas, Disney tips, travel topics, shopping hacks and ideas for thrifty, local fun.

Jenny on the SpotJenny is a Seattle-area mom blogger who lives with her husband of 22 years and their children in the Pacific Northwest. While she does cover plenty of parenting topics, she’s also a lifestyle and humor blogger. You’ll be equally entertained as you will be inspired!

Frugal Living NW – This one isn’t necessarily just a Seattle mom blog but creator Angela Davis is a mom and expert on living well on a budget in the PNW. She posts deals regularly for area stores, frugal homemaking tips, recipes, and more.

Seattle Mom Groups

PEPS Groups – The Program for Early Parent Support, or PEPS, is a nonprofit that aims to be a resource for new parents in the Puget Sound region. The organization offers programs meant to educate, inform, and create a sense of community. It also has a host of neighborhood-based groups for new parents where families can connect and be a source of support for one another. Check out the groups and registration information here.

MOPS – Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) – now known as The MomCo – is a national organization but they have Seattle, Bothell, and Mill Creek mom groups, including chapters at Mill Creek Community Church, Canyon Creek Church, Gold Creek Community Church, North Creek Presbyterian, Eastside Church, Living Hope Church, Canyon Hills Community Church, and several others. The group is meant to meet the needs of moms with little ones from birth through kindergarten. You’ll hang out with other moms, have discussions in small groups and there are speakers who talk about different areas of motherhood and parenting. Childcare is provided for most groups and kids get to play together and do crafts.

Fit4Mom Seattle – Fit4Mom offers classes for moms in Seattle where moms can come with their babies and get in shape together. Stroller Strides is a popular option where participants do a 60-minute workout with their tots in tow. Kids will be entertained with songs and activities while their parents break a sweat. Run Club is another great choice for moms who like to run and connect with others. The first class is free. 

Seattle Families of Multiples – This Seattle parents group is for families of multiples, hence the name. It’s a nonprofit dedicated to serving as a resource and fostering support between families who face the unique challenges and joys of raising twins, triplets and more. The group has a number of meetups and activities throughout the year. You can sign-up to become a prospective member here.

MOMS Club® – There are a number of Seattle-area MOMS Club chapters, including MOMS Club of Bellevue. MOMS Club, which stands for Moms Offering Moms Support, is an organization for stay-at-home moms. Each local chapter has its own personality and activities but they all offer support, camaraderie and fun activities for moms and the kiddos. – Meetup is a helpful online destination to find Seattle moms groups. You can choose groups based on your interests, children’s ages, locations and more. There are groups for working moms, active moms, single moms, stay-at-home moms and pretty much every kind of mom you can think of. If you don’t see a group that fits your needs, you can also start your own!

I hope you find this list helpful and it gives you some ideas for connecting with fellow moms! If, in between reading blogs and going to meetups, you’re interested in getting a healthy, beautiful smile, schedule a free consultation at Richard Chan Orthodontics today!  


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