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Temporary Anchorage Device

What is a Temporary Anchorage Device (TAD) and Why is it Used With Braces?

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Sometimes, braces alone can bring about fantastic results. In other cases, however, we need an anchorage point for a pushing and pulling force to help facilitate movements that can’t be achieved with just brackets and wires. In the past, headgear was the go-to treatment in many of these instances. As you can probably guess, not too many patients were thrilled with the prospect of having a large, bulky, highly visible appliance attached to their hardware. Thankfully, these days, there’s an alternative: a temporary anchorage device (TAD). I believe in using modern techniques that can make treatment more effective and easier for my patients at Richard Chan Orthodontics, which is why I’m trained in the use of TADs. Though TADs are an amazing tool, not a lot of patients are all that familiar with them, so I’m covering the basics. Read More


8 Things You Won’t Hear Us Say When Getting Braces On

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A decade or two ago, the braces experience was quite a bit different than it is today. The hardware was bigger, bulkier and less comfortable.  More frequent adjustments were needed due to less technologically advanced wires. A lot has changed but patients still get a little nervous about getting braces on and about treatment in general. It’s often because of hearing other people’s braces stories from a long time ago, the way they’re portrayed in pop culture or just a fear of the unknown. My team and I always chat with our Alaska, Bothell, Monroe and Mill Creek braces and Invisalign patients at their consultation and let them know exactly what to expect. This goes a long way in helping to alleviate any jitters they’re feeling. We also take a personalized, patient-centric approach, meaning our focus is on ensuring you’re comfortable, relaxed and happy. With that in mind, here are 8 things you won’t hear us say when getting braces on:
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Why You Need to Attend Our Patient Appreciation BBQ

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At Richard Chan Orthodontics, we’re lucky to have the best patients in the world! Dr. Chan and our team look forward to coming into the office every day because of the awesome kids, teens and adults we get to hang out with. Transforming a smile is a journey and over the course of treatment, we get to know our patients and their families on a personal level and form lasting bonds. What better way to say thank you for being the best than with a party? That’s exactly what we’re going to do at our 10th Annual Patient Appreciation BBQ at Blyth Park (16950 West Riverside Drive, Bothell). Mark your calendars because this year’s free event will be held on Thursday, August 16 from 11:30am to 2:30pm. It’s open to all of our Juneau, AK and Bothell, Monroe and Mill Creek, WA orthodontic patients and their friends and families. Why should you attend? Read More


How We Make Orthodontic Treatment Affordable for Our Patients

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At Richard Chan Orthodontics, our practice is centered on the idea that everyone should have access to the best orthodontic care regardless of their financial situation. No one should have to miss out on having a healthy, confident smile because of their budget. That’s why we do everything in our power to make our Alaska, Bothell, Monroe and Mill Creek, WA orthodontic treatment affordable for our patients without compromising on results or service. From flexible financing to free consultations, here’s how we strive to ensure having straight teeth isn’t a luxury or out of reach for the families in our community.

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Dispelling All the Myths Around Dental X-Rays

Dispelling All the Myths Around Dental X-Rays

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Even though the Earth is bathed in radiation and we’re exposed to it from so many different sources, many of them naturally occurring, the word “radiation” still sets off alarm bells in a lot of people. That’s why patients and parents often ask the Richard Chan Orthodontics team, “Are dental x-rays safe for me?” or “Are dental x-rays safe for my kids?” Rest assured, we’d never put our patients’ health at risk and dental x-rays, especially the low-dose, modern version we use, account for a miniscule fraction of the radiation that’s all around us. They’re not only safe but also an integral part of the diagnostic process, allowing us to give you the best possible care and achieve exceptional results. Unfortunately, in spite of all of the research illustrating the safety of x-rays, misinformation is floating around. To give you peace of mind, we’ll debunk the common dental x-ray myths.

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What to do in an Orthodontic Emergency at Home and While Traveling

What to do in an Orthodontic Emergency at Home and While Traveling

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When your mouth is outfitted with brackets and wires it’s totally normal to worry that something could go wrong, especially in the beginning. However, we have to say, between our offices in Washington and Alaska, we’ve seen a ton of Juneau, Bothell, Monroe and Mill Creek braces and Invisalign patients and the overwhelming majority of them sail through treatment without any issues. Actual orthodontic emergencies are extremely rare. Usually, mishaps are minor, like a broken bracket or irritation, and they’re easily fixed. To put your mind at ease and give you the know-how to keep your treatment on track if the unexpected occurs, we’ll go over orthodontic emergency information and comfort care tips for when you’re at home or traveling.

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Braces Friendly Food in the Seattle Area

Braces-Friendly Food in the Seattle Area

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So you started your teeth-straightening journey and now you’re trying to work out the braces and food equation. A lot of our Bothell, Monroe and Mill Creek braces patients are under the assumption that they’ll have to make drastic changes to their diet. That’s not the case at all. You’ll be happy to know you can still enjoy most of your favorites. After Dr. Chan outfits you with your new hardware, he’ll go over all of the details about life with braces. In the meantime, we’ll give you a brief overview of the things you can eat as well as some of Richard Chan Orthodontics’ favorite Seattle area restaurants with braces-friendly food.

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A-Guide-to-Getting-Braces Just on Your Bottom or Top Teeth

A Guide to Getting Braces Just on Your Bottom or Top Teeth

By Orthodontics One Comment

Every once in a while, a patient will visit Richard Chan Orthodontics and ask about the possibility of getting braces on the top teeth only or the bottom teeth only. They usually feel their top or bottom teeth are straight enough or the bottom teeth aren’t all that visible so they consider them less of a priority. After all, fewer braces or only half of the usual number of Invisalign trays would save money, right? Whether the approach would be cost-effective or if one arch treatment is even a possibility, depends on a number of factors.

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The Pros and Cons of Invisalign Treatment for Adults and Teens

By Orthodontics 10 Comments

Dr. Richard Chan has perfected a lot of smiles with Invisalign in Bothell, Monroe and Mill Creek, Washington as well as at his Juneau, Alaska orthodontic offices (yup, he’s an orthodontist on the move!). Considering how dedicated he is to technology, it’s no wonder he’s a proponent of the innovative treatment. However, it’s important to know that orthodontics isn’t one-size-fits-all and understanding the advantages and disadvantages of Invisalign, as well as keeping in mind your own unique needs and diagnosis, will be the key to making an informed decision about your care. This guide will help if you’re trying to determine if you should opt for braces or Invisalign.

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Myths and Facts About Orthodontics

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Here are some interesting myths and facts about orthodontics:

MYTH: Orthodontists are appropriate only for the most challenging and complex orthodontic cases.
FACT: Orthodontists have the education, experience, and expertise to recognize the difference between a simple case and a complex one. And when a case is challenging, orthodontists know what to do.
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